Silverfox Productions      The Ottersey 1 & 2 & 3     Past Layouts
Poe Network
Poe Info
Poe III Poe 3 has started! Click here to go to the quest progress.

Poe is a sheep. It started with a screen mate, then it became popular. And in summer 2003, Poe Adventure was made. It was an RPG game to defeat Evil Poe. And in spring 2004, it was completed. In May, the Poe Party was held. And in July, Poe 2 started and went until December, when Pinzer was defeated. Poe Party 2 was held in March 2005. Now, in May 2005, Poe 3, the next Poe Advanture has started.

Poe 2 Progress
The Poe party members have finally defeated Pinzer! Thunder Poe and Fire Poe accomplished it. The Poe Party has been held in Spring Break. Poe 3 is starting soon!

QUEST STATUS: Quest Complete! Pendants of Telerin, Icelazin, Veran, STC
CUURENT HELPERS: 50 Cent, Coolowl, Icecat, Bluekirby, Kanye West, Green Snake, Silvamord

Thunder Poe
Weapons: Battle Staff, Lvl 3 Golden Lightning Blade (SP 100), Whip, Lightning Hookshot, Bombs, Megaton Hammer, Lightning Javelin, Boomerang
Spells: Thundershot, Thunderball, Chain Lightning, Silver Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike of Jawad
Moves: Lightning Punch, Super Fox Move, Spear Super Fox Move, Mega Fox Move
Items: Wind Feather, Bike, Ice Tires, Punch Gloves, Carbon Boots
STATS: Life 40 Grass 20 Water 30

Light Poe
Weapons: Battle Staff, Lvl 1 Sword (SP 38), Hookshot
Spells: Lightshot, Light Ball
Moves:Light Punch, Super Fox Move
STATS: Life 7 Grass 5 Water 10

Leaf Poe
Weapons:Battle Staff, Lvl 1 Sword (SP 38), Whip, Hookshot
Spells:Leafshot, Forestball
Moves:Leaf Punch, Super Fox Move
STATS: Life 8 Grass 5 Water 10

Fire Poe
Weapons: Battle Staff, Lvl 3 Golden Sword (SP 84), Whip, Fire Hookshot, Megaton Hammer, Flame Javelin
Spells: Fireshot, Fire Rope, Fireball
Moves:Fire Punch, Super Fox Move, Spear Super Fox Move
Items:Wind Feather, Bike, Ice Tires
STATS: Life 22 Grass 15 Water 15

Dark Poe
Weapons:Lvl 1 Sword (SP 35), Hookshot
Spells:Shadow Shot, Darkness Ball
Moves:Dark Punch, Super Fox Move
STATS: Life 7 Grass 5 Water 5

Earth Poe
Weapons:Lvl 1 Sword (SP 35), Rock Hookshot
Spells:Dirt Shot, Mudball
Moves:Earth Punch, Super Fox Move
STATS: Life 8 Grass 5 Water 5

Water Poe
Weapons:Lvl 1 Sword (SP 35), Hookshot
Spells:Aqua Shot, Water Ball
Moves:Water Punch, Super Fox Move
STATS: Life 4 Grass 5 Water 10

Metal Poe
Weapons:Lvl 2 Mithril Battleaxe (SP 67), Hookshot, Bombs
Spells:Steel Shot, Metalball, Metal Strike of Jawad
Moves:Metal Punch, Super Fox Move, Spear Super Fox Move
Items:Bike, Power Gauntlets, Punch Gloves, Carbon Boots
STATS: Life 14 Grass 8 Water 10

Ice Poe
Weapons:Lvl 1 Sword (SP 35), Hookshot
Spells:Freeze Shot, Iceball
Moves:Ice Punch, Super Fox Move
Items:Bike, Power Gauntlets
STATS: Life 4 Grass 5 Water 5

Wind Poe
Weapons:Lvl 1 Sword (SP 40), Hookshot
Spells:Wind Shot, Windball
Moves:Wind Punch, Super Fox Move, Mega Fox Move

STATS: Life 5 Grass 7 Water 10

NEWBIE BONUS: Element Punch, Element Shot, Lvl 1 Sword (SP 35), Element Ball, Hookshot, Bike, Super Fox Move